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Tower of Fantasy annonce l’arrivée de Fiona, le nouveau simulacre à rejoindre le MMORPG à succès

Tower of Fantasy annonce l’arrivée de Fiona, le nouveau simulacre à rejoindre le MMORPG à succès L’éditeur Level Infinite et le développeur Hotta Studio annoncent l’arrivée du nouveau simulacre, Fiona, qui rejoindra Tower of Fantasy, le MMORPG à succès gratuit en monde ouvert, le 27 avril. Fiona était autrefois une personne importante à Hykros. Ses compétences exceptionnelles en matière Tower of Fantasy annonce l’arrivée de Fiona, le nouveau simulacre à rejoindre le MMORPG à succès a lire sur Vonguru.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human annonce sa mise à jour Gut Feeling

Dying Light 2 Stay Human annonce sa mise à jour Gut Feeling Techland dévoile sa mise à jour majeure Gut Feeling dans Dying Light 2 Stay Human, améliorant ses combats et sa physique. Les joueurs disposent désormais de plus de moyens pour démembrer leurs ennemis, avec des craquements d’os intenses, des effets spéciaux et des nouvelles animations pour la physique des combats, rendant le gameplay Dying Light 2 Stay Human annonce sa mise à jour Gut Feeling a lire sur Vonguru.

Direction Londres pour le prochain Pokémon GO Fest

Le prochain Pokémon GO Fest prendra place à Londres Niantic annonce aujourd’hui que le Pokémon GO Fest de 2023 aura lieu à Londres, Royaume-Uni, pour la toute première fois. L’événement ouvrira ses portes du vendredi 4 août au 6 août prochain et les dresseurs auront la possibilité de participer au Pokémon GO Fest 2023 dans deux parties de Londres Direction Londres pour le prochain Pokémon GO Fest a lire sur Vonguru.

Dying Light Enhanced Edition fait un beau score

Dying Light Enhanced Edition dépasse les 15 millions de téléchargements sur l’Epic Games Store Techland, le développeur et éditeur de la franchise de jeu Dying Light, annonce aujourd’hui que plus de 15 millions de joueurs ont reçu Dying Light Enhanced Edition sur l’Epic Games Store.   La promotion « Free ticket to Harran » a dépassé toutes les attentes Dying Light Enhanced Edition fait un beau score a lire sur Vonguru.

Découvrez les offres Prime Gaming de mai 2023

Les offres Prime Gaming de mai 2023 (STAR WARS™: Rogue Squadron 3D, Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition, The Almost Gone,…) En mai, Prime Gaming permet à ses abonnés de récupérer une nouvelle sélection de jeux et contenus exclusifs. Cela comprend STAR WARS: Rogue Squadron 3D, Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition, The Almost Gone, Alpha Mission 2, Lila’s Sky Ark  et plus encore, Découvrez les offres Prime Gaming de mai 2023 a lire sur Vonguru.

Droid Packs Bring STAR WARS Fans Together

These ARE the Droids You’re Looking ForFor decades, the droids of Star Wars™ have warmed our hearts with their friendly beeps, lovable banter, and memorable sounds. Now, Items inspired by R2-D2, C-3PO, BB-8, and K-2SO are coming to Rocket League! So, what's the cargo? Droid Packs filled with Decals, Wheels, and animated Toppers based on our beloved mechanical pals. The shipment of STAR WARS Droid Packs will arrive on May 4!Never Underestimate a DroidLiberator of planets, saver of princesses, prison break expert, and forever friend. Who knew a little R2 unit could do so much! With the R2-D2 Pack, you’ll be ready to save the Arena from almost anything. Alongside the R2-D2 Octane Decal and matching Wheels, the animated R2-D2 Topper will swivel and flash as you guide your team to victory.The tall to R2’s small, C-3PO is fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Goodness! The C-3PO Pack itself comes with a C-3PO Fennec Decal and Wheels inspired by our favorite protocol droid. This is human/cyborg relations at its peak.If you prefer something new-school, get the Resistance rolling with the BB-8 Pack! These astromech droid–inspired Items will look great while you travel the far edges of the Arena in search of Boost. Like the R2-D2 Pack, you’ll get an animated Topper, so it’ll always feel like Poe’s best buddy has your back. A BB-8 Takumi Decal and matching Wheels bring the look full circle.With the K-2SO Pack, you’ll always have your team’s back in a dangerous match! The security droid’s Imperial paint job is on full display with this K-2SO Dominus Decal and Wheels set. Please do not resist!Want a taste of the droid life? Players will also be able to get the FREE “Rust Bucket” Player Title and STAR WARS R2-D2 (Twin Suns) Player Banner in the Item Shop starting May 4—no galactic credits required.R2-D2 Pack (800 Credits) R2-D2 Octane Decal R2-D2 Wheels R2-D2 Topper[/b][/list]C-3PO Pack (500 Credits) C-3PO Fennec Decal C-3PO Wheels[/b][/list]BB-8 Pack (800 Credits) BB-8 Takumi Decal BB-8 Wheels BB-8 Topper[/b][/list]K-2SO Pack (500 Credits) K-2SO Dominus Decal K-2SO Wheels[/b][/list]*Note: Items included in the STAR WARS Droid Packs can be customized with other branded content. This does not include branded Items that have their own customization restrictions.STAR WARS Droid BundlesMiss the friendly sounds of an astromech droid? Install the R2-D2 Player Anthem to hear R2 bleat, buzz, and whistle every time you score! You’ll get this Player Anthem, the “Droid” Player Title, and all four Droid Packs with the STAR WARS Droid Bundle.For true superfans out there, you’ll need the perfect car to accompany your new Items. The STAR WARS Droid + Car Bundle includes the content listed above, PLUS a Gold Fennec, Black Dominus, Cobalt Octane, and Orange Takumi. The Droid Packs will be rolling out on May 4, so remember, May the Fourth be with you!

Droid Packs Bring STAR WARS Fans Together

These ARE the Droids You’re Looking ForFor decades, the droids of Star Wars™ have warmed our hearts with their friendly beeps, lovable banter, and memorable sounds. Now, Items inspired by R2-D2, C-3PO, BB-8, and K-2SO are coming to Rocket League! So, what's the cargo? Droid Packs filled with Decals, Wheels, and animated Toppers based on our beloved mechanical pals. The shipment of STAR WARS Droid Packs will arrive on May 4!Never Underestimate a DroidLiberator of planets, saver of princesses, prison break expert, and forever friend. Who knew a little R2 unit could do so much! With the R2-D2 Pack, you’ll be ready to save the Arena from almost anything. Alongside the R2-D2 Octane Decal and matching Wheels, the animated R2-D2 Topper will swivel and flash as you guide your team to victory.The tall to R2’s small, C-3PO is fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Goodness! The C-3PO Pack itself comes with a C-3PO Fennec Decal and Wheels inspired by our favorite protocol droid. This is human/cyborg relations at its peak.If you prefer something new-school, get the Resistance rolling with the BB-8 Pack! These astromech droid–inspired Items will look great while you travel the far edges of the Arena in search of Boost. Like the R2-D2 Pack, you’ll get an animated Topper, so it’ll always feel like Poe’s best buddy has your back. A BB-8 Takumi Decal and matching Wheels bring the look full circle.With the K-2SO Pack, you’ll always have your team’s back in a dangerous match! The security droid’s Imperial paint job is on full display with this K-2SO Dominus Decal and Wheels set. Please do not resist!Want a taste of the droid life? Players will also be able to get the FREE “Rust Bucket” Player Title and STAR WARS R2-D2 (Twin Suns) Player Banner in the Item Shop starting May 4—no galactic credits required.R2-D2 Pack (800 Credits) R2-D2 Octane Decal R2-D2 Wheels R2-D2 Topper[/b][/list]C-3PO Pack (500 Credits) C-3PO Fennec Decal C-3PO Wheels[/b][/list]BB-8 Pack (800 Credits) BB-8 Takumi Decal BB-8 Wheels BB-8 Topper[/b][/list]K-2SO Pack (500 Credits) K-2SO Dominus Decal K-2SO Wheels[/b][/list]*Note: Items included in the STAR WARS Droid Packs can be customized with other branded content. This does not include branded Items that have their own customization restrictions.STAR WARS Droid BundlesMiss the friendly sounds of an astromech droid? Install the R2-D2 Player Anthem to hear R2 bleat, buzz, and whistle every time you score! You’ll get this Player Anthem, the “Droid” Player Title, and all four Droid Packs with the STAR WARS Droid Bundle.For true superfans out there, you’ll need the perfect car to accompany your new Items. The STAR WARS Droid + Car Bundle includes the content listed above, PLUS a Gold Fennec, Black Dominus, Cobalt Octane, and Orange Takumi. The Droid Packs will be rolling out on May 4, so remember, May the Fourth be with you!

Droid Packs Bring STAR WARS Fans Together

These ARE the Droids You’re Looking ForFor decades, the droids of Star Wars™ have warmed our hearts with their friendly beeps, lovable banter, and memorable sounds. Now, Items inspired by R2-D2, C-3PO, BB-8, and K-2SO are coming to Rocket League! So, what's the cargo? Droid Packs filled with Decals, Wheels, and animated Toppers based on our beloved mechanical pals. The shipment of STAR WARS Droid Packs will arrive on May 4!Never Underestimate a DroidLiberator of planets, saver of princesses, prison break expert, and forever friend. Who knew a little R2 unit could do so much! With the R2-D2 Pack, you’ll be ready to save the Arena from almost anything. Alongside the R2-D2 Octane Decal and matching Wheels, the animated R2-D2 Topper will swivel and flash as you guide your team to victory.The tall to R2’s small, C-3PO is fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Goodness! The C-3PO Pack itself comes with a C-3PO Fennec Decal and Wheels inspired by our favorite protocol droid. This is human/cyborg relations at its peak.If you prefer something new-school, get the Resistance rolling with the BB-8 Pack! These astromech droid–inspired Items will look great while you travel the far edges of the Arena in search of Boost. Like the R2-D2 Pack, you’ll get an animated Topper, so it’ll always feel like Poe’s best buddy has your back. A BB-8 Takumi Decal and matching Wheels bring the look full circle.With the K-2SO Pack, you’ll always have your team’s back in a dangerous match! The security droid’s Imperial paint job is on full display with this K-2SO Dominus Decal and Wheels set. Please do not resist!Want a taste of the droid life? Players will also be able to get the FREE “Rust Bucket” Player Title and STAR WARS R2-D2 (Twin Suns) Player Banner in the Item Shop starting May 4—no galactic credits required.R2-D2 Pack (800 Credits) R2-D2 Octane Decal R2-D2 Wheels R2-D2 Topper[/b][/list]C-3PO Pack (500 Credits) C-3PO Fennec Decal C-3PO Wheels[/b][/list]BB-8 Pack (800 Credits) BB-8 Takumi Decal BB-8 Wheels BB-8 Topper[/b][/list]K-2SO Pack (500 Credits) K-2SO Dominus Decal K-2SO Wheels[/b][/list]*Note: Items included in the STAR WARS Droid Packs can be customized with other branded content. This does not include branded Items that have their own customization restrictions.STAR WARS Droid BundlesMiss the friendly sounds of an astromech droid? Install the R2-D2 Player Anthem to hear R2 bleat, buzz, and whistle every time you score! You’ll get this Player Anthem, the “Droid” Player Title, and all four Droid Packs with the STAR WARS Droid Bundle.For true superfans out there, you’ll need the perfect car to accompany your new Items. The STAR WARS Droid + Car Bundle includes the content listed above, PLUS a Gold Fennec, Black Dominus, Cobalt Octane, and Orange Takumi. The Droid Packs will be rolling out on May 4, so remember, May the Fourth be with you!

Droid Packs Bring STAR WARS Fans Together

These ARE the Droids You’re Looking ForFor decades, the droids of Star Wars™ have warmed our hearts with their friendly beeps, lovable banter, and memorable sounds. Now, Items inspired by R2-D2, C-3PO, BB-8, and K-2SO are coming to Rocket League! So, what's the cargo? Droid Packs filled with Decals, Wheels, and animated Toppers based on our beloved mechanical pals. The shipment of STAR WARS Droid Packs will arrive on May 4!Never Underestimate a DroidLiberator of planets, saver of princesses, prison break expert, and forever friend. Who knew a little R2 unit could do so much! With the R2-D2 Pack, you’ll be ready to save the Arena from almost anything. Alongside the R2-D2 Octane Decal and matching Wheels, the animated R2-D2 Topper will swivel and flash as you guide your team to victory.The tall to R2’s small, C-3PO is fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Goodness! The C-3PO Pack itself comes with a C-3PO Fennec Decal and Wheels inspired by our favorite protocol droid. This is human/cyborg relations at its peak.If you prefer something new-school, get the Resistance rolling with the BB-8 Pack! These astromech droid–inspired Items will look great while you travel the far edges of the Arena in search of Boost. Like the R2-D2 Pack, you’ll get an animated Topper, so it’ll always feel like Poe’s best buddy has your back. A BB-8 Takumi Decal and matching Wheels bring the look full circle.With the K-2SO Pack, you’ll always have your team’s back in a dangerous match! The security droid’s Imperial paint job is on full display with this K-2SO Dominus Decal and Wheels set. Please do not resist!Want a taste of the droid life? Players will also be able to get the FREE “Rust Bucket” Player Title and STAR WARS R2-D2 (Twin Suns) Player Banner in the Item Shop starting May 4—no galactic credits required.R2-D2 Pack (800 Credits) R2-D2 Octane Decal R2-D2 Wheels R2-D2 Topper[/b][/list]C-3PO Pack (500 Credits) C-3PO Fennec Decal C-3PO Wheels[/b][/list]BB-8 Pack (800 Credits) BB-8 Takumi Decal BB-8 Wheels BB-8 Topper[/b][/list]K-2SO Pack (500 Credits) K-2SO Dominus Decal K-2SO Wheels[/b][/list]*Note: Items included in the STAR WARS Droid Packs can be customized with other branded content. This does not include branded Items that have their own customization restrictions.STAR WARS Droid BundlesMiss the friendly sounds of an astromech droid? Install the R2-D2 Player Anthem to hear R2 bleat, buzz, and whistle every time you score! You’ll get this Player Anthem, the “Droid” Player Title, and all four Droid Packs with the STAR WARS Droid Bundle.For true superfans out there, you’ll need the perfect car to accompany your new Items. The STAR WARS Droid + Car Bundle includes the content listed above, PLUS a Gold Fennec, Black Dominus, Cobalt Octane, and Orange Takumi. The Droid Packs will be rolling out on May 4, so remember, May the Fourth be with you!

Droid Packs Bring STAR WARS Fans Together

These ARE the Droids You’re Looking ForFor decades, the droids of Star Wars™ have warmed our hearts with their friendly beeps, lovable banter, and memorable sounds. Now, Items inspired by R2-D2, C-3PO, BB-8, and K-2SO are coming to Rocket League! So, what's the cargo? Droid Packs filled with Decals, Wheels, and animated Toppers based on our beloved mechanical pals. The shipment of STAR WARS Droid Packs will arrive on May 4!Never Underestimate a DroidLiberator of planets, saver of princesses, prison break expert, and forever friend. Who knew a little R2 unit could do so much! With the R2-D2 Pack, you’ll be ready to save the Arena from almost anything. Alongside the R2-D2 Octane Decal and matching Wheels, the animated R2-D2 Topper will swivel and flash as you guide your team to victory.The tall to R2’s small, C-3PO is fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Goodness! The C-3PO Pack itself comes with a C-3PO Fennec Decal and Wheels inspired by our favorite protocol droid. This is human/cyborg relations at its peak.If you prefer something new-school, get the Resistance rolling with the BB-8 Pack! These astromech droid–inspired Items will look great while you travel the far edges of the Arena in search of Boost. Like the R2-D2 Pack, you’ll get an animated Topper, so it’ll always feel like Poe’s best buddy has your back. A BB-8 Takumi Decal and matching Wheels bring the look full circle.With the K-2SO Pack, you’ll always have your team’s back in a dangerous match! The security droid’s Imperial paint job is on full display with this K-2SO Dominus Decal and Wheels set. Please do not resist!Want a taste of the droid life? Players will also be able to get the FREE “Rust Bucket” Player Title and STAR WARS R2-D2 (Twin Suns) Player Banner in the Item Shop starting May 4—no galactic credits required.R2-D2 Pack (800 Credits) R2-D2 Octane Decal R2-D2 Wheels R2-D2 Topper[/b][/list]C-3PO Pack (500 Credits) C-3PO Fennec Decal C-3PO Wheels[/b][/list]BB-8 Pack (800 Credits) BB-8 Takumi Decal BB-8 Wheels BB-8 Topper[/b][/list]K-2SO Pack (500 Credits) K-2SO Dominus Decal K-2SO Wheels[/b][/list]*Note: Items included in the STAR WARS Droid Packs can be customized with other branded content. This does not include branded Items that have their own customization restrictions.STAR WARS Droid BundlesMiss the friendly sounds of an astromech droid? Install the R2-D2 Player Anthem to hear R2 bleat, buzz, and whistle every time you score! You’ll get this Player Anthem, the “Droid” Player Title, and all four Droid Packs with the STAR WARS Droid Bundle.For true superfans out there, you’ll need the perfect car to accompany your new Items. The STAR WARS Droid + Car Bundle includes the content listed above, PLUS a Gold Fennec, Black Dominus, Cobalt Octane, and Orange Takumi. The Droid Packs will be rolling out on May 4, so remember, May the Fourth be with you!